Pinnacle Mountain State Park Shared-Use Path


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 7/2/24 10:00am
Bid Date 7/31/24 2:30pm

Company & Contacts

Wagner General Contractors, Inc.
Michea Copus  
(501) 203-0704


11901 Pinnacle Valley Road, Little Rock, AR 72223

Project Information:

Construction of: Shared Use Path at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

Located At: 11901 Pinnacle Valley Road, Little Rock, AR 72223

Project Owner: Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage, and Tourism

Bid Type: Lump Sum Basis: Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder

The Work under this Contract will be awarded under a stipulated sum contract to the lowest responsive and responsible base bid amount. No segregated bids, alternate bids, or assignments will be considered.